Over the past 8 years, we have been thrilled to watch the blossoming of ayurvedic wisdom and the growth of the yoga community from our little haven at Amala.
We are grateful and blessed for our clients who come from all over New England and we are tickled pink that our treatments have become a traditional Mother's Day/Valentine's Day/Birthday/Anniversary/Christmas gifts, etc (not all that surprising since Ayurveda is the knowledge of life and what is life without love?) and many recipients of these gifts have become our beloved regulars. (aka: Amalians) We have seen a surge of mother/daughter regulars this year that just fills our hearts right up.
Amala Wellness exists to teach the art of healthy living through the lens of Ayurveda offering consultations and workshops, to offer traditional ayurvedic healing treatments, to offer a wide variety of massage and energy work techniques, to offer the healing benefits of sauna.
It is my goal to help empower people with the beautiful knowledge and tools of Ayurveda as it has helped me and so many others. It is my hope and dream that the knowledge of Ayurveda and yoga spreads vastly and children are raised with this wisdom so they may know how to calm themselves, to be healthier, to love, to be empathetic and compassionate people who rule a more peaceful and kinder world than the one we live in today.
with Love,
Susan Morgan
Amala Wellness